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Saturday, February 18, 2012

As your baby grows...2 months old

Ages & Stages - Baby Tristan is 2 months old!

I was so excited I got to spend four days this week with Tristan. He is so cute!!!!
Happy Auntie :)

Growth & Development Milestones: 1-3 Months

Raises Head & Chest When Lying on Stomach
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Give him lots of tummy time. Every time he lifts his head -- even if it's just for a few seconds -- he is strengthening his neck muscles.
Mama Must-Know: At this age, Baby might start to seem much taller and thinner. This is because his bones and muscles are growing and his limbs are loosening up

Watches Faces Intently
Type of Milestone: Social
Practice with Baby: Buy an unbreakable mirror to hang near your baby's crib or changing table. She'll love seeing her own facial expressions and movements.
Mama Must-Know: She can now process your face as a whole, instead of just focusing on individual such as your eyes.

Smiles at the Sound of Your Voice
Type of Milestone: Developmental
Practice with Baby: Speak to him with dramatic baby talk. High-pitched, slow, and exaggerated voices are his favorite. Widen your eyes and mouth to encourage his smile.
Mama Must-Know: Baby loves your voice best because it reminds him of food, comfort, and warmth.

Begins to Develop a Social Smile
Type of Milestone: Social
Practice with Baby: "Smile-talk" with him. Sometimes he'll aim a big smile at you and even babble to catch your attention. Immediately smile back. Likewise, you can start a smile conversation by giving the first smile whenever you notice him watching you attentively.
Mama Must-Know: Your baby might be shy to meet your gaze at first, but having a smile conversation helps him from becoming overwhelmed.

Supports Upper Body with Arms When Lying on Stomach
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Give him plenty of tummy time. Encourage him to lift his upper body by talking to him or holding a bright toy in front of him.
Mama Must-Know: Babies who don't spend enough time on their bellies might have a hard time learning to roll over and crawl.

Follows Moving Objects
Type of Milestone: Cognitive
Practice with Baby: Hang a bright mobile above your baby'scrib or changing table. Set it at a low speed at first. As he gets better at following the objects, gradually increase the speed setting.
Mama Must-Know: At this age, Baby's eyes should be working together to move and focus. If it doesn't seem like they are, talk with your pediatrician.

Begins to Babble
Type of Milestone: Language skills
Practice with Baby: Read to your baby often. Choose baby books with bright pictures and high-contrast patterns to visually stimulate him as well.
Mama Must-Know: By listening to adults talk, Baby is learning the importance of verbal communication.

Stretches & Kicks Legs When Lying Down
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: When your baby is lying on her back or tummy, strap a bell toy to her ankles. She'll have fun learning that her kicks can make noise.
Mama Must-Know: Some babies learn to roll from front to back at this age. Make sure you pay close attention so she doesn't roll into danger or off her changing table.

Recognizes Familiar Objects & People at a Distance
Type of Milestone: Cognitive
Practice with Baby: When you enter a room, talk to your baby from the doorway. If she can't seem to find you, move a few feet closer. Also try placing a favorite toy on a shelf or windowsill. See if she spots it. If not, shake it to catch her attention.
Mama Must-Know: Catching Baby looking out the window is another sign her distance vision is developing well.

Begins to Imitate Sounds
Type of Milestone: Language
Practice with Baby: After bathtime or when you're dressing him, name the parts of his body when you touch them. Make up silly rhymes, such as, "Nose, toes!" The more you talk to your baby he will start taking picking up the sounds you are staying.
Mama Must-Know: At this age, you should begin phasing baby talk out of your speech. Baby learns a lot about inflection and cadence by listening to adult language.

Becomes More Communicative & Expressive with Face & Body
Type of Milestone: Language
Practice with Baby: Always respond to your baby's cues. Screaming, whimpering, and crying are signs she is hungry, wet, tired, lonely, or uncomfortable. As you become more in touch with her signals, you might be able to respond to her needs before she is even sure what's wrong.
Mama Must-Know: When all Baby's needs are met and she is simply fussy, try distracting her or going outside.

Opens & Shuts Hands
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Place a rattle or toy in her open hand and see if she grips it. Kiss her palms or draw pictures in them with your finger.
Mama Must-Know: Because your baby might not yet realize her hands and feet belong to her, she will become fascinated when they accidentally come into view.

Starts Using Hands & Eyes in Coordination
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Sit with your baby on your lap and slowly move a soft toy in front of his face. Encourage him to bat at the object with his hand. Even if he doesn't make contact at first, the practice will help develop his skills.
Mama Must-Know: This exercise also helps develop your baby's depth perception.

Turns Head Toward Direction Of Sound
Type of Milestone: Cognitive
Practice with Baby: Introduce your baby to lots of different sounds. Sing to her, take her on errands with you, and go for walks. Don't be afraid to expose her to crowds or live family-friendly music performances.
Mama Must-Know: She will still become startled by loud noises, so be prepared to soothe her if an experience overwhelms her.

Pushes Down on Legs
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Lift your baby so her feet are resting on a firm surface. By straightening and bending her knees, she will discover she can bounce. Besides your balance support, she will be able to practically stand by herself.
Mama Must-Know: Your baby's newborn stepping reflex should disappear at this age

Brings Hands to Mouth
Type of Milestone: Physical
Practice with Baby: Even if it seems like your baby is slapping himself in the mouth and face, let him try bringing his fingers to his mouth. This is an important developmental skill. He will eventually reach his destination, and he'll be able to suck on his thumb whenever he pleases.
Mama Must-Know: While thumb sucking will help your baby soothe and comfort himself it can also lead to dental problems. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommending weaning your child from their thumb by the time he gets his first tooth.

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