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Saturday, January 21, 2012

As your baby grows....5 weeks old

Tristan James 5 weeks old

This is a week to week update for your baby's milestones.  I decided to do this today while thinking about my sister Lynn and my nephew Tristan.  She is a first time Mom at the age of 40 (shhh... don't tell her I told you that lol).  Who also lives an hour away from her three sisters and Mom now lives in Florida.  I know it is hard for her because we are not right around the corner.  When I had my daughter's (now 20 & 19) I wouldn't have been able to do it without my family being right there.  Lynn and my brother-in law Troy are doing a great job as newbie parents, Tristan is a very lucky little boy.  My thought today was, there is some much information out there on the internet and in books, but not having much time to seat and search the web or read a book without falling asleep is very hard.  So this is what I am going to do.  Each week I will search for her and you to find helpful tips and information and share it with you.  This week Tristan is 5 weeks old that is where I will begin. I hope this will be helpful to you.  If there is something you would like me to find for you just leave me a comment and I will do my best.

As your baby grows....5 weeks old
The first thing I would like to say is break out the camera ( as if you haven't already! ) and always have your camera with you. This week you'll start to capture the babies first real smile. (Auntie can't wait!)

  • *The first real smiles
  • *Head's Up!
  • *Tummy Time
  • *Little Pooper

  • A Real Smile
  • Your baby is gearing up for a huge, heart-melting milestone: Their first social (not gas-inspired) smile. Because they learn to mimic your expressions, grinning wildly at them can help nudge this adorable accomplishment along -- not that you need any incentive to do that . At this age, a smile is truly social-it means "I like that" or "I love you, Mommy." The best way to see that gorgeous grin is to talk and sing to your baby a lot. The more you do, the more likely you are to tickle their funny bone.  This will probably make your heart melt, even if you've just had your worst night yet.

  • Head's up!
  • Your baby's neck muscles are getting stronger and he may be able to hold his head up almost 90 degrees now, just for a little bit.  If you pull them up from the bed by their arms, they'll make an effort to raise their head up as you do it. (Kinda like you when you're trying to raise your head up to get out of bed to feed him at midnight.) They are also building stronger core muscles, which means that her head is less wobbly; they might soon start to briefly lift it off the floor when they are lying on her back or belly.

  • Tummy Time
  • To help their overall muscular development, aim for 15 minutes a day of tummy time. 
  • Place them tummy-down on a blanket, with enough toys spread in front of them that they'll 
  • be inspired to take a gander at them. If they fuss, lie down next to them and tickle 
  • their back; your presence will likely calm them right down. Be forewarned: Plenty of 
  • babies hate tummy time. But sticking with it, even for a few minutes at a time, 
  • strengthens your baby's neck, torso, and arm muscles, and paves the way for pushing 
  • up and rolling over, milestones you'll see in the next three or four months.
  • Also try different shapes, textures and plastic mirrors and objects on it to give 
  • their neck and growing brain a workout. Feel free to lay down with them during 
  • "tummy time" and "meditate" (that's parent code for "relax").
    • While you're puttering around getting chores done, move baby around the house with you. 
    • The change of scenery will stimulate his mental and visual development. Things are still 
    • pretty blurry to them, but his vision is improving as the weeks go by. Try learning-playing 
    • activities that'll stimulate your baby's intellect, social development, motor skills, and senses.

  • Little Pooper
  • Some time in the next few weeks your little pooper may suddenly go from having three to nine bowel movements a day to having only one a day (or less). This is totally normal, so don't worry! Baby is only constipated if he's passing hard, dry poops. If they're the texture of applesauce, it's all good. (Did you ever think you'd talk about poop so much in your life?!)

  • Remember, your baby is an individual

    All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon. If your baby was premature, keep in mind that kids born early usually need a bit more time to meet their milestones. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, ask your healthcare provider.

    Have a great week!

    The information that is in this post was found at:

New Moms,newborn,babies,five weeks old,helpful tips,baby

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